Trial Offers

Beginner Trial Offers Classes Enrolling In March

THE 30-DAY JUMPSTART - our “Kitchen Sink”

The Ultimate Trial Membership

Not sure of where to start?

Why not have a good taste of everything at a massive discount? With zero obligation after the 30 days? With 100% Money Back Guarantee (conditional to meeting for your weekly ACU)

With the 30-Day Experience, you will get our ULTIMATE COACHING MEMBERSHIP our LEVEL 3 Coaching Membership option with ZERO Obligation at a fraction of the cost:

  • Unlimited Personal Training sessions
  • FREE Recovery Drink Post Personal Training Sessions
  • Unlimited Group Training
  • Unlimited Spinning
  • Unlimited Fitness Access
  • 25% off supplements
  • All for only $199! (First time clients only) – 75% Savings

My Fitness Kitchen exists to motivate, educate & inspire people to optimal levels of performance and balance in life. We are driven to help transform mindsets by empowering people to reach their full potential.

We pledge to deliver the finest customer experience by always delivering a positive attitude, great energy, and 100% focused sessions. My Fitness Kitchen will instill well-being, confidence and belief in our clients, and fulfill the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our clients.

The “Kitchen” Difference that you will Experience during the JUMPSTART!

 - We coach L.E.A.N!  Which stands for LIVABLE EXERCISE AND NUTRITION.  

- We recognize there is no finish line on the road of a healthy lifestyle. Our coaches take time to meet and evaluate your progress as part of your membership. Fitness and nutrition      goals are discussed and every individual’s needs.

  • Nutrition - you will be coached on YOUR FOODS on YOUR TERMS based on YOUR METABOLISM.  
  • Exercise - all programs are designed to complement YOUR AVAILABILITY to exercise and modified to YOUR FITNESS LEVEL and INTEREST.   
  • This personalization allows for that is sustainable unlike the “push-till-you-puke” type workouts and “white-knuckle” cookie-cutter meal plans that most individuals are less-likely to follow for more than a few weeks before returning the previous self and unsatisfied results.  

- You will find the success because we keep you accountable and honest to your program through ACU’s (Accountability Check-ups). With your Kitchen Membership, your ACU meetings are unlimited!

After completion of your JUMPSTART and you experience all LEVELS of coaching you then can decide which LEVEL is most appropriate for you. Each Level includes all programs and preceding LEVEL

Taking the first step is easy! All you have to do is fill out the short form on your screen today to learn more about everything we have to offer or to set up your FREE consultation. We'll reach out right away to answer all of your questions and get you set up and started to the new and better YOU!


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